บริษัท ชาเล่ต์ ฟอร์เรส จำกัด. Odoo 版本 13.0+e
資訊關於 บริษัท ชาเล่ต์ ฟอร์เรส จำกัด. Odoo實例, 開放原始碼 ERP.
- POS Promotions
- POS Promotions
- Chalet Create Quotation
- Helps to create quotation by an agent or customer itself.
- Chalet Pricelist Calculation
- Modification in pricelist calculation.
- Chalet Quantity Calculation
- Support Quantity Calculation in Product Category.
- Chalet Request Sample
- Request Sample products from ecommerce website.
- Chalet User Types
- Helps to select agent or dealer type for users.
- Chalet Warehouse
- Chalet Live Stock
- Itaas Access Stock Move
- Itaas Access Stock Move
- Itaas Account Extened
- Itaas Account Extened.
- Account Move Compute - Payment Term Line
- Account Extended.
- ITaas Contract Branch
- Humance Resource
- Itaas Stock Create Accounting Entry
- Itaas Stock Create Accounting Entry.
- Itaas Customer Bank
- Itaas Customer Bank.
- Itaas Email Requisition
- Itaas Email Requisition
- Itaas Function Post Payment
- Generate Sequence.
- Gen Lot Auto
- Gen Lot Auto.
- Itaas Gen Tax Invoice Date
- Itaas Gen Tax Invoice Date.
- Itaas Generate Sequence
- Generate Sequence.
- Itaas Help Desk
- Itaas Help Desk.
- Hr Employee
- Hr Employee.
- HR Expense
- Expense
- Itaas Inventory Adjustment Sequence
- Inventory Adjustment Sequence.
- Itaas Number 2 Word (Thai - English)
- Number 2 Word in Thai and English
- Orderpoint Max Qty
- Reordering Rules
- Itaas Partner Detail Address
- Partner Detail Address
- Hr Payroll Income Tax
- This is Payroll Income Tax
- Hr Payroll SSO
- This is Payroll SSO
- Payroll Tax Deduction
- This is Payroll Tax Deduction
- Itaas Pos Category Multi Company
- Itaas Pos Category Multi Company.
- Itaas Pos Extened
- Itaas Pos Extened.
- Itaas Function Post Payment
- Generate Sequence.
- Itaas Product Category Extened
- Itaas Product Category Extened
- Product Stock Forecast Incoming and Outgoing
- Stock Inventory Extended.
- Sales Extended
- Sales Extended.
- Itaas Sales Forecast
- Sales Forecast
- Stock Picking Extended
- Stock Picking Extended.
- Itaas Stock rule merge
- Itaas Stock rule merge.
- Stock Valuation Unit Price
- Stock Valuation Unit Price
- Itaas Stock Warehouse Orderpoint
- Itaas gen lot auto
- POS | Auto Assign Lot/Serial Numbers
- Auto Select required Lots/Serial Numbers when creating POS Order
- Sequence Wht Type
- Sequence Wht Type.
- Sequence Cash
- Sequence Cash.
- Thailand Accounting Enhancement for Odoo Enterprise
- Thailand Accounting Enhancement.
- ZKteco Biometric Attendance Integration
- Biometric attendance integration
- 客戶關係管理
- 追蹤線索並關閉商機
- 網站
- 企業版網站生成器
- 專案
- 組織和安排專案
- 庫存
- 管理您的庫存和物流活動
- 會計
- 應收付管理
- Quotations/Sales Orders Approval
- Quotations/Sales Orders Approval
- 製造
- 製造訂單&BOM單
- 銷售
- 從報價到憑單
- 適用於商店和餐廳的使用者親和 PoS 界面
- 評價
- 評估您的員工
- 會計
- 管理財務和分析會計
- 薪資表
- 管理您的員工薪資表記錄
- 備註
- 用備忘錄組織您的工作
- 產品生命週期管理 (PLM)
- 管理產品,物料清單和工藝路線的工程變更單
- 品質
- 控制產品品質
- 電子商務
- 線上銷售您的產品
- 服務台
- 追蹤幫助工單
- 採購
- 採購訂單,招標和協議
- 員工
- 集中員工信息
- 考勤
- 追蹤員工出勤
- 招聘
- 追蹤您的招聘渠道
- 費用
- 提交,驗證,支付員工報銷
- 審批
- 創建和驗證批准請求
- Choose Best Supplier On Tender
- Choose The Best Supplier At The Best Price
- Odoo Global Discount on Sale,Purchase & Invoice with Tax calculation
- Sale discount with tax sales discount invoice discount purchase discount purchase order discount fixed discount on sale invoice discount vendor discount on purchase vendor bill discount All in one Discount after tax amount global discount before tax amount
- 儀表板
- 創建自定義儀表盤
- 聯繫人
- 集中地址簿
- Customer Billing Saleperson
- Customer Billing Saleperson
- Customer To Invoice Billto
- Customer To Invoice Billto
- Credit Limit Warning During Sales Order Confirmation
- Enforces credit limit for credit sales to your customers
- 文件
- 文件管理
- Gen Tax Receipt
- Gen Tax Receipt
- 休假管理
- Allocate time off and follow time off requests
- 員工推薦
- 讓您的員工分享工作職位並推薦他們的朋友
- 技能管理
- 管理員工的技能、知識和簡歷
- 現場服務
- 安排和跟踪現場操作、票據時間和物料
- 物聯網
- 支援物聯網的基本模型和幫助程序。
- General Company Setting
- General Company Setting
- Company and Partner Full Address to any report
- Company and Partner Full Address to any report
- Picking Ready
- General Company Setting
- Itaas Partner Sector
- Itaas Partner Sector
- Itaas Pricelist Promotion
- Itaas Pricelist Promotion
- Print Accounting Billing Report
- Print Accounting Billing Report
- Print Accounting Cheque Report
- Print Accounting Report
- Print Stock Picking Report
- Print Stock Picking Report
- Print Accounting - Invoice Report
- Print Accounting Invoice Report
- Print Invoice and Payment Report
- Print Payment Report
- Print Purchase label Report
- Print Purchase label Report
- Print Purchase Report
- Print Purchase Report
- Print Purchase Request
- Print Purchase Request Report
- Itaas Print Sales Report
- Print Sales Report
- Print Accounting Tax and WHT Report
- Print Accounting Report
- Itaas Transportation
- Itaas Transportation
- 討論
- 聊天, 信件網關和私有頻道
- 市場行銷自動化
- 創建自動化信件活動
- 簡訊行銷
- 設計、發送和跟踪簡訊
- 規劃
- 管理員工的日程安排
- Product Volume Calculation
- This module will helps you to give dimensions of the product.
- Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
- Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
- Purchase Request
- Use this module to have notification of requirements of materials and/or external services and keep track of such requirements.
- Itaas Purchase Request Type
- Itaas Purchase Request Type
- 簽字
- 發送文件到網上簽名和處理填寫的副本
- 社群 Marketing
- Easily manage your social media and website visitors
- 條碼
- 使用條碼掃瞄儀處理物流操作
- Invoice From Stock Picking
- In this module creating customer invoice,vendor bill, customer credit note and refund from stock picking
- 工時表
- 工時表驗證和網格視圖
- Studio
- 創建和定制您的Odoo應用
- 問卷調查
- 創建調查問卷和答案分析
- 電郵市場行銷
- 生成、發送和追蹤電子信件
- 保養
- 追蹤設備並管理維修需求
- 日曆
- 安排員工會議
- 部落格
- 發佈博客帖子,公告,新聞
- 線上工作
- 管理線上招聘流程
- eLearning
- 管理和發布電子學習平台
- 論壇
- 管理FAQ及Q&A功能的論壇
- 車隊
- 追蹤管理陸運和船運的費用
- 線上聊天
- 與您網站訪問者聊天
- 維修
- 修復毀壞的產品